Well, it's back and I'm not too worried about it running hot since I removed the side of the case and have a 16" fan blowing on it.
As I have come to expect, I had to shake out the loose screw and find out how to plug up the hard drive.
The HUGE LCD monitor that came home with it does make my meager furnishings look pricer.
I plan to rip the PC's guts out and put in something I can respect.
I may try to use the odd-ball mb and the CPU to run my older stuff.
I plan to re-do this one with Intel.
I like this case because it has DVD, CD/RW, and a Floppy.
I'm not ready to give up my floppy.
And I do not like combo DVD-CD/RW drives.
I've started to collect parts and have decided on the type of PCs I want to build.
We have a small budget so it will take some time.
During the horse trading with David, who is a Stand Up guy if I ever met one, POO cut his foot and was very sick. He is stoic and by the time he gives a sign that something is wrong it is bad.
I managed to get his temperature down and with daily care he has healed little by little.
The first week POO was too sick to make much of a fuss he just trembled when touched. He lost his pride last week and started holding that hind leg up while running but that didn't last but a few days because he would get excited about going to see our neighbor and put the foot down so that he could stand on his hind legs and get petted. Keeping the foot flexed and a good toe nail trim along with extra green beans has got him back to riping around the apartment and running off if he gets outside again.
Booties for POO are next on the "Needs" list.
I almost "dropped" several times while he was down but he is back to looking after me again.
Ah, well, it's late and POO has been fed but I'm hungry.
2 Quart Baking Dish--Mine is a round and has a glass lid.
Yellow Crookneck and Green Zucchini Squash
Yellow Onion(s)
2 Eggs
American Cheese ( White Apple pie type)
Cracker crumbs--You can use smashed Croutons, old bread...whatever.
Black Pepper
I start with the Onion because this is an Onion Flavored dish.
I rough chop it and toss it in the Food Processor, then put it in the Covered Dish and Microwave until Tender.
Save Cooked Onion and Cooking Liquid.
Clean and prep the squash by cutting the necks of the Yellow Squash into rounds about 1/4" thick. Remove all seeds, even immature ones, and slice the rest of the Squash 1/4" thick.
Split Zucchini and remove all seeds and slice 1/4" thick.
I keep cutting Yellow and Green Squash until I have filled the 2 Quart bowl, put the Lid on and Micro Nuke until tender.-- Stir every 5 minutes.
You will have cooking liquid and there is probably something good-for-you in it so keep it.
( I have been known to discard it)
Dump the Squash and Onions in a bowl.
Clean out the Cooking Bowl and Rub the Insides of it with Solid Shorting...Who do I think I'm fooling?... I use softened Butter. Put some Crumbs in the bowl and try to coat the Sides and leave some on the bottom.
Put it in the Refrigerator with the Lid on... Put the Lid on the Bowl, not the Refrigerator.
Must be latter than I thought.
Crack the Eggs in a Bowl and Beat the Daylights out of them.
Add Milk ( Cream is good too ).
Whip well.
Add Salt and Pepper.
Dump the Egg/Milk Mixture in with the Squash/Onion Mixture or go the other way if you think you need a bigger bowl.
Add 1/2C or so of Crumbs.
Stir to mix all.
Find your Cheese and make sure it is Grated or in small pieces.
Reserve 1/4C Cheese.
Find rest of Crumbs.
Bring your Baking Bowl back and remove lid.
Spoon enough Squash Mixture in Bowl to cover Bottom.
Sprinkle some Cheese over Squash.
If think your Mixture is too wet add a few Crumbs.
Spoon another layer of Squash, Sprinkle Cheese and so on until you reach the top.
Don't Sprinkle Cheese on Top.
Sprinkle Crumbs on Top.
Cover with Vented Lid--Aluminum Foil with a hole punched in it.
Bake at 350 degrees as you would any Custard.
If you have used a wide shallow bowl it will be done sooner.
Knife inserted in Center is the traditional test for being done.
I take it's temperature.
Turn off Oven.
After it is done remove the Lid and Sprinkle reserved Cheese.
Return to warm oven until cheese melts.
Not good Browned.
Yes, I enjoy Pimentos, Parmesan, Sage/Rosemary, Dill, ripe Olives, Tomatoes but this is my Second Place Celebration of Summer Squash.
First Place is straight from my backyard garden and cut up in a bowl to be dipped in a little good salt.
I will not experience that again.