You know, it is not easy being a handicapped person who must cope with ignorant professionals. Ignorance is not bliss, it is the stuff of illegal denial of services and abuse of professional authority. Anyone, with the where-with-all to afford it, can obtain some kind of certificate of higher education or job training. Neither of these necessitate being Informed.
It is a personal decision whether or not to become informed. I have been in a classroom and listened to classmates make a presentation and when asked a question they had no information. In other words they were ignorant. These students were about to get an advanced degree and use it to establish themselves as professionals working in the humanities and education.
I will give something I need to help someone who wants more education.
I will go toe to toe with any ignorant person who tries to set policy not in accordance with public law.
At the moment I'm in a fiery snit about some of the people who answer the telephone for professionals and cheerfully proceed to tell me that I may not do something as it is against "Policy". And I have been known to "Assert" my "Informal Education" by explaining in clear terms that I will see their "Policy" and raise them several Federal Laws and a Civil Rights action. You see, I've been there and had to do it in the past.
So I have come up with a plan. I propose that all Fourth Grade students start a Reading Program which is composed of basic Civil and Criminal Law. And this should continue with every grade through high school. Students who are exposed to basic information about Civil and Criminal Laws form grade Four through grade Twelve will have the opportunity to develop Coping Skills. I believe that as they head into the Work Place and the Voting Booth that they will have learned how to "Glean" useful nuggets of Information from the whirlwind of Verbage pelting them.
Indeed, I would like to see a Free K-12 Public Civil and Criminal Center.
If someone already has a Web Site like this drop me a line.
No food this time, I have a bellyache.
If you missed it, here is my "Attitude" again.
The towwad's Attitude:
This is an imperfect world.
I am an imperfect person.
I live each day trying to be the best I can be.
I may not live up to your personal standard of excellence.
Because my aim goal and ambition is to try to be the best I can be I am always a success.
If you can't appreciate me, that's your loss.
If you don't like being a loser, you can try to change your perspective.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
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