Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas 2009

The Spirit is willing but the Flesh is weak.
General winter medical problems.

POO and his friend stayed together in the same large cage at their Vet's clinic while Miss Roxie's owner took me to a doctor. When we returned to pick them up I was thrilled when we were informed that my anxiety ridden old poodle did not cry or show distress while I was gone.
So now we know that he needs more than just being in a cage in a room with other caged animals, he needs another of his kind to be with him.
Mr POO is back on antibodies for his gums and he gained a half a pound.
All 3 pounds of Miss Roxie is perfect.

So, if you run into Santa, please mention that I have been good and would like to have a House and Car for Christmas. POO would like to have a little Sister.
Good night,