The Spirit is willing but the Flesh is weak.
General winter medical problems.
POO and his friend stayed together in the same large cage at their Vet's clinic while Miss Roxie's owner took me to a doctor. When we returned to pick them up I was thrilled when we were informed that my anxiety ridden old poodle did not cry or show distress while I was gone.
So now we know that he needs more than just being in a cage in a room with other caged animals, he needs another of his kind to be with him.
Mr POO is back on antibodies for his gums and he gained a half a pound.
All 3 pounds of Miss Roxie is perfect.
So, if you run into Santa, please mention that I have been good and would like to have a House and Car for Christmas. POO would like to have a little Sister.
Good night,
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
This is my anniversary post.
We, the POO and I, started here three years ago.
He is going on 10 years old and is still ripping it up with his 1 year old Yorkie friend.
They enjoy each other's company so much that we have a serious problem with Miss Roxie and Mr POO slipping out the door and running across the street to visit. Trouble is if nobody can catch them then and there they take themselves for a hike and we have to search the complex. It is dangerous for the dogs in that they don't fear cars or strangers.
I made an easy savory Dumpling recipe yesterday.
It was a combination of directions for Puffy and Flat dumplings.
I started with some homemade chicken broth and added Onion and Celery.
I would like to have had some Carrots and green Peas.
I used about 2C. Biscuit mix and flavored it with Sage, Rosemary, Parsley, Onion salt, Plain salt, and course grind Black pepper, and added some non-fat- Dry milk powder.
Mixed everything with small amount of water. Very heavy dense dough.
I tried the Drop-1-teaspoon method into the rapidly boiling broth. Puffed right up and when I tasted it I realized that it could be ok for some people but I did not like the cooked, but dry, center.
I was not satisfied with the over all taste and believe that Chicken, Vegetable, or any other kind of Bullion added to the Biscuit mix would help.
I refrigerated the Broth and the unused dumpling mix and several hours later I put the broth on to boil and used a sharp knife to slice the cold dumpling dough into 1/8 wide strips. By the time the broth was ready I had the dough cut into 1/2 to 3/4 long strips and stretched them a little as I dropped them into the broth.
Not bad. I had some whole Black pepper in the broth along with the celery and onion.
Only thing I did for serving was to add some butter to my bowl.
Yes, POO likes them too.
Next time I will go with the Bullion in the dry mix and build on that.
No money for Thanksgiving traditions this year.
We will just try to hold on to what we have and be grateful for that.
And I don't know just how much longer we can hang on.
This environment is not changing for the better.
We, the POO and I, started here three years ago.
He is going on 10 years old and is still ripping it up with his 1 year old Yorkie friend.
They enjoy each other's company so much that we have a serious problem with Miss Roxie and Mr POO slipping out the door and running across the street to visit. Trouble is if nobody can catch them then and there they take themselves for a hike and we have to search the complex. It is dangerous for the dogs in that they don't fear cars or strangers.
I made an easy savory Dumpling recipe yesterday.
It was a combination of directions for Puffy and Flat dumplings.
I started with some homemade chicken broth and added Onion and Celery.
I would like to have had some Carrots and green Peas.
I used about 2C. Biscuit mix and flavored it with Sage, Rosemary, Parsley, Onion salt, Plain salt, and course grind Black pepper, and added some non-fat- Dry milk powder.
Mixed everything with small amount of water. Very heavy dense dough.
I tried the Drop-1-teaspoon method into the rapidly boiling broth. Puffed right up and when I tasted it I realized that it could be ok for some people but I did not like the cooked, but dry, center.
I was not satisfied with the over all taste and believe that Chicken, Vegetable, or any other kind of Bullion added to the Biscuit mix would help.
I refrigerated the Broth and the unused dumpling mix and several hours later I put the broth on to boil and used a sharp knife to slice the cold dumpling dough into 1/8 wide strips. By the time the broth was ready I had the dough cut into 1/2 to 3/4 long strips and stretched them a little as I dropped them into the broth.
Not bad. I had some whole Black pepper in the broth along with the celery and onion.
Only thing I did for serving was to add some butter to my bowl.
Yes, POO likes them too.
Next time I will go with the Bullion in the dry mix and build on that.
No money for Thanksgiving traditions this year.
We will just try to hold on to what we have and be grateful for that.
And I don't know just how much longer we can hang on.
This environment is not changing for the better.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Between last post and now:
I've managed to hang in there with the smoking effort.
Car troubles have been then and now.
My landlords have done some serious work with cleaning up the landscape problems.
Got light bulbs replaced in living room and kitchen. Something kinky about the living room fixture.
While POO was enjoying a play-date with his friend, her owner and I got into an ice cream eating contest. I lost but didn't mind because it was a lot of fun trying.
And I actually harvested about a dozen green beans.
Major XP problem.
Did a clean install.
Because I have my trusty WD stand alone I had backup.
But it was a pain to get the system back up. Things are not back to the way I had them.
I have replaced the MB and CPU but the other hardware is old. I'm looking forward to Windows 7. I will need a new PC for it.
Now that our weather has cooled I'm in the mood to cook again.
After 2 or 3 years trying my grocery stocked Rosemary. I got 2 bottles and looked for more.
At the moment I'm Fish hungry.
Thinking about a pan seared fillet with a ground Sunflower Seed and "something" sauce.
I've managed to hang in there with the smoking effort.
Car troubles have been then and now.
My landlords have done some serious work with cleaning up the landscape problems.
Got light bulbs replaced in living room and kitchen. Something kinky about the living room fixture.
While POO was enjoying a play-date with his friend, her owner and I got into an ice cream eating contest. I lost but didn't mind because it was a lot of fun trying.
And I actually harvested about a dozen green beans.
Major XP problem.
Did a clean install.
Because I have my trusty WD stand alone I had backup.
But it was a pain to get the system back up. Things are not back to the way I had them.
I have replaced the MB and CPU but the other hardware is old. I'm looking forward to Windows 7. I will need a new PC for it.
Now that our weather has cooled I'm in the mood to cook again.
After 2 or 3 years trying my grocery stocked Rosemary. I got 2 bottles and looked for more.
At the moment I'm Fish hungry.
Thinking about a pan seared fillet with a ground Sunflower Seed and "something" sauce.
Friday, September 18, 2009
September, Sweet September
We have rain. Weather has cooled.
I haven't smoked a cigarette since the middle of August. Am slowly adjusting to this self imposed change. Doubt that I will ever "Quit" but the patches I'm using do stop the craving. I don't have anything to prove, not doing this for any reason other than I am tired of the inconvenience of running out and having to make a trip to buy more.
I do miss the Second Hand Smoke smell because I grew up in a home of smokers.
I don't wear the patch but 16 hours a day because I don't smoke in my sleep.
POO is enjoying his play dates with his friend who lives across the street.
Summer produce was a disappointment. Hope fall crops will be better.
This is my version of baked Okra
I use several pounds because I like fresh baked Okra and I save the left-overs in the freezer to add to soups.
Heat oven to 450 degrees.
Line Jellyroll pan with non-stick foil.
Slice Okra 1/4" thick and place a single layer in pan.
If you want to use Salt and Pepper or any other dry seasoning you can do it before baking. I don't use anything on the batches I plan to freeze.
Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes and remove pan from oven and use two spatulas to turn and return to oven and lower temp to 425 degrees. Check every 10 minutes.
It is done when you decide it is done.
Yes, POO likes it too.
I haven't smoked a cigarette since the middle of August. Am slowly adjusting to this self imposed change. Doubt that I will ever "Quit" but the patches I'm using do stop the craving. I don't have anything to prove, not doing this for any reason other than I am tired of the inconvenience of running out and having to make a trip to buy more.
I do miss the Second Hand Smoke smell because I grew up in a home of smokers.
I don't wear the patch but 16 hours a day because I don't smoke in my sleep.
POO is enjoying his play dates with his friend who lives across the street.
Summer produce was a disappointment. Hope fall crops will be better.
This is my version of baked Okra
I use several pounds because I like fresh baked Okra and I save the left-overs in the freezer to add to soups.
Heat oven to 450 degrees.
Line Jellyroll pan with non-stick foil.
Slice Okra 1/4" thick and place a single layer in pan.
If you want to use Salt and Pepper or any other dry seasoning you can do it before baking. I don't use anything on the batches I plan to freeze.
Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes and remove pan from oven and use two spatulas to turn and return to oven and lower temp to 425 degrees. Check every 10 minutes.
It is done when you decide it is done.
Yes, POO likes it too.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
August 09
We have had an occasional shower or two but the weather has been brutal. Usually when the Al antic hurricane season arrives we catch a break in the heat. Hasn't happened yet.
POO is enjoying his play dates with his new friend. She is a year old and has reached her full size of 3 lbs.
Food has been a disappointment because of the problem with potatoes and tomatoes this year.
The beans we have on the patio are still alive but I don't see any sign that there will be anything to harvest.
I went in to have my ears cleaned out and now I can hear again but my equilibrium is out of whack.
Not much going on in the cooking department. I think I'll go with the imposable pies for a while.
POO is enjoying his play dates with his new friend. She is a year old and has reached her full size of 3 lbs.
Food has been a disappointment because of the problem with potatoes and tomatoes this year.
The beans we have on the patio are still alive but I don't see any sign that there will be anything to harvest.
I went in to have my ears cleaned out and now I can hear again but my equilibrium is out of whack.
Not much going on in the cooking department. I think I'll go with the imposable pies for a while.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Drunk Again
It is a few minutes into Saturday morning and I can tell you that Friday was a busy one for us.
Started earlier in the week when POO went in for his rabis shot. He was still overweight--I have started defending his weight issue by saying, "Ah, that's just his jewelry and extra fluff.". He now will sport 10 vaccination tags. So he struts his stuff with a jingle-jangle.
I got a bottle of medicine for his gum problem. We started the eye dropper thing again.
And we are still working on his red tear stains. We also made an appointment for him to have his teeth cleaned on Friday.
And here is how our Friday went:
I make it out of bed and get myself together long enough to run POO to his clinic.
Get back and have my morning coffee.
Make sure that I have taken my meds, including the extra stuff I need for my stomach every few weeks.
Sit at my PC and read the news and mess around.
Start collecting things to wear. Found my "good" sneakers. Had to actually open my special drawer to find a bra. Got a new disposable undie from the package. Couldn't find any clean socks in the dryer and didn't think of looking on the wide sock shelf of that closet--when I got home I discovered one unopened pack of 6 pair and another new pair. Don't remember when I bought them. ( I'm a wash and wear here at home--just can't see the effort of folding ).
My only pantie hose were white and I was in a dark mood so decided to go bare legged but I added a long legged black pantie girdle for something "underneath".
Then I open the double doors of the closet that has clothes I deem worthy of putting on hangers. I have an array of beautiful dressy things in several sizes and lovely colors for every season and fabrics that feel good to the touch. I have been given every one of them but two dresses I bought in 1981. For some reason I do not understand, women give me the most beautiful clothes. I only wear one of the dresses I got in 1981. If it is too loose, I need to gain weight. If it is too snug, I need to lose some weight. Besides I feel good wearing it. I like the fabric and everything about the style except for it's 3/4 length sleeves.
I like the silky tone on tone embroidered blouse in white but don't want to go with skirt and blouse. I spy an understated black with tiny white dots silky dress that buttons to the collar which has long sleeves and mock French cuffs.
Get my Hair pulled to the nape of my neck and tied tight and look around until I find my black fru-fru thing that is hiding on my PC desk between the hammer and flashlight and finish my hair. ( It stays there when I'm home )
With hair done I slip dress on and notice the belt is not long enough. Humm. Discard the belt because the dress doesn't need it. Besides, I don't like belts. Then I start with the buttons and remember why I wear my favorite dress. It does not have any buttons.
I get the cuffs first. Then I have to struggle with the buttons from the waist up. At the neck is a tiny snap and a hoop for the button at the throat. So much tedious work getting the buttons done and when I smooth the front of the dress and look in the mirror I realize that the damned things are hidden and all of that work was to not disturb the tiny white dot pattern. It worked. Looked good. With my hair pulled back and that severe dress I probable looked stern and somebody not to be messed with. Would have been better if I could have worn my black or white pumps but my crippled feet are not capable of that yet. I keep praying about them. When I get in my car and notice the dress if sunlight I discover it is dark navy blue.
I have some time to kill so I stop in at a local family eatery and start by requesting a spoon to eat my meal and a word with the manager. Bet you can guess where this is going.
I get the hamburger steak with speckled butterbeans, collards and beets. Yes, I wanted the onion and mushroom gravy. Unsweetened tea.
The way to judge if a family owned eatery is going to have good food is by it's bread.
If their homemade bread is good then the other things will reflect the same consideration. These yeast rolls were not mile high. They were just high enough and nearly 4" square. Very good. Somebody cares about the food here!!
Eventually I got the spoon I needed and the manager came by. I explained my Handicapped American with a Canine Assistant desire to come there and asked if there would be any problem. Not a problem for her. She would mention it to the owner.
I thanked her for her time, hunted up my waitress and handed her my tab with a specially folded bill and gave her a hug and left.
One nice thing about being late for my doctor's appointment was that I didn't have to wait long. Got to know the new nurse. Liked her. Miss the one who retired.
I scared myself when the nurse mentioned my weight at 139+. Put my doctor in a good mood. We had a good visit but thing are hinkey with my lab test and I will have to go back more often until we can get a grip of my problems.
I get an appointment with another specialist and, "No problem about having the dog with me.".
Then I wander down to the lab and, because POO is not with me, I cry a little.
Then I'm off to get POO. Traffic is bad and gets worse because a police car needs to get through and we drivers are making a hole here and there as best we can. Wouldn't you know, one block after I turn into my Vet's parking lot I see the police car stopped.
I'm early but that is fine by me as there is a new cat in the house. This is the biggest long haired yellow cat I have ever seen. He is a good cat. He is huge. I ask to play with him. He lets me scratch behind his ears a little but I smell like POO and he prefers to avoid POO.
Eventually POO is brought out. He is totally zonked. He can walk, he doesn't seem to care where. I pay his tab and eventually get him in the car. He passes out. Wakes up when we get home and makes it to the door on his own after falling a couple of times.
When we get inside he has enough presence of mind to present himself to me to have his harness removed.
I take my afternoon meds and sip some milk as I start this familiar vigil of waiting and helping him until he is alert. About 6PM we take a nap. This time he chooses his lower bunk which is an 8" thick fold out bed/chair up against my bed. I scoot over to his side of my bed and lay my head on the edge so I can watch over him. I reach down and rub his back now and then. I dosed off for a little while and when I checked on him I noticed he had moved closed to me. I got up, drank some milk and went back to lay on his side of the bed. He would respond when I rubbed him. I slept again and during that time he moved around and ended up laying right under my face. I got up in time for my 11PM meds and he got up with me. Unsteady, but definitely awake.
I think he had another tooth pulled and thought he would not feel like food so I put a cup and a half of puppy biscuits on a plate by his water bowl. He fooled me. I put a cushion beside his rocker and he started going to the kitchen and getting a biscuit and bringing it back to the cushion to eat. This went on and on for over an hour and during that time he drank half the water in his bowl. He got full, went to his papers and has gone to bed in his quarters. He is still walking stiff legged and he looks rough.
I'm not going to get him up for the eye dropper.
Well, I spoke too soon. I will not do the eye dropper meds for his mouth but he is up again and gotten a special good cookie with a pill hidden inside and he is working on the puppy biscuits again. The more he moves around and eats and drinks and eliminates tonight will help him feel better tomorrow. He still rocks back and forth when he stands still.
Maby he will sober up in the morning.
And folks, I'm tired.
Started earlier in the week when POO went in for his rabis shot. He was still overweight--I have started defending his weight issue by saying, "Ah, that's just his jewelry and extra fluff.". He now will sport 10 vaccination tags. So he struts his stuff with a jingle-jangle.
I got a bottle of medicine for his gum problem. We started the eye dropper thing again.
And we are still working on his red tear stains. We also made an appointment for him to have his teeth cleaned on Friday.
And here is how our Friday went:
I make it out of bed and get myself together long enough to run POO to his clinic.
Get back and have my morning coffee.
Make sure that I have taken my meds, including the extra stuff I need for my stomach every few weeks.
Sit at my PC and read the news and mess around.
Start collecting things to wear. Found my "good" sneakers. Had to actually open my special drawer to find a bra. Got a new disposable undie from the package. Couldn't find any clean socks in the dryer and didn't think of looking on the wide sock shelf of that closet--when I got home I discovered one unopened pack of 6 pair and another new pair. Don't remember when I bought them. ( I'm a wash and wear here at home--just can't see the effort of folding ).
My only pantie hose were white and I was in a dark mood so decided to go bare legged but I added a long legged black pantie girdle for something "underneath".
Then I open the double doors of the closet that has clothes I deem worthy of putting on hangers. I have an array of beautiful dressy things in several sizes and lovely colors for every season and fabrics that feel good to the touch. I have been given every one of them but two dresses I bought in 1981. For some reason I do not understand, women give me the most beautiful clothes. I only wear one of the dresses I got in 1981. If it is too loose, I need to gain weight. If it is too snug, I need to lose some weight. Besides I feel good wearing it. I like the fabric and everything about the style except for it's 3/4 length sleeves.
I like the silky tone on tone embroidered blouse in white but don't want to go with skirt and blouse. I spy an understated black with tiny white dots silky dress that buttons to the collar which has long sleeves and mock French cuffs.
Get my Hair pulled to the nape of my neck and tied tight and look around until I find my black fru-fru thing that is hiding on my PC desk between the hammer and flashlight and finish my hair. ( It stays there when I'm home )
With hair done I slip dress on and notice the belt is not long enough. Humm. Discard the belt because the dress doesn't need it. Besides, I don't like belts. Then I start with the buttons and remember why I wear my favorite dress. It does not have any buttons.
I get the cuffs first. Then I have to struggle with the buttons from the waist up. At the neck is a tiny snap and a hoop for the button at the throat. So much tedious work getting the buttons done and when I smooth the front of the dress and look in the mirror I realize that the damned things are hidden and all of that work was to not disturb the tiny white dot pattern. It worked. Looked good. With my hair pulled back and that severe dress I probable looked stern and somebody not to be messed with. Would have been better if I could have worn my black or white pumps but my crippled feet are not capable of that yet. I keep praying about them. When I get in my car and notice the dress if sunlight I discover it is dark navy blue.
I have some time to kill so I stop in at a local family eatery and start by requesting a spoon to eat my meal and a word with the manager. Bet you can guess where this is going.
I get the hamburger steak with speckled butterbeans, collards and beets. Yes, I wanted the onion and mushroom gravy. Unsweetened tea.
The way to judge if a family owned eatery is going to have good food is by it's bread.
If their homemade bread is good then the other things will reflect the same consideration. These yeast rolls were not mile high. They were just high enough and nearly 4" square. Very good. Somebody cares about the food here!!
Eventually I got the spoon I needed and the manager came by. I explained my Handicapped American with a Canine Assistant desire to come there and asked if there would be any problem. Not a problem for her. She would mention it to the owner.
I thanked her for her time, hunted up my waitress and handed her my tab with a specially folded bill and gave her a hug and left.
One nice thing about being late for my doctor's appointment was that I didn't have to wait long. Got to know the new nurse. Liked her. Miss the one who retired.
I scared myself when the nurse mentioned my weight at 139+. Put my doctor in a good mood. We had a good visit but thing are hinkey with my lab test and I will have to go back more often until we can get a grip of my problems.
I get an appointment with another specialist and, "No problem about having the dog with me.".
Then I wander down to the lab and, because POO is not with me, I cry a little.
Then I'm off to get POO. Traffic is bad and gets worse because a police car needs to get through and we drivers are making a hole here and there as best we can. Wouldn't you know, one block after I turn into my Vet's parking lot I see the police car stopped.
I'm early but that is fine by me as there is a new cat in the house. This is the biggest long haired yellow cat I have ever seen. He is a good cat. He is huge. I ask to play with him. He lets me scratch behind his ears a little but I smell like POO and he prefers to avoid POO.
Eventually POO is brought out. He is totally zonked. He can walk, he doesn't seem to care where. I pay his tab and eventually get him in the car. He passes out. Wakes up when we get home and makes it to the door on his own after falling a couple of times.
When we get inside he has enough presence of mind to present himself to me to have his harness removed.
I take my afternoon meds and sip some milk as I start this familiar vigil of waiting and helping him until he is alert. About 6PM we take a nap. This time he chooses his lower bunk which is an 8" thick fold out bed/chair up against my bed. I scoot over to his side of my bed and lay my head on the edge so I can watch over him. I reach down and rub his back now and then. I dosed off for a little while and when I checked on him I noticed he had moved closed to me. I got up, drank some milk and went back to lay on his side of the bed. He would respond when I rubbed him. I slept again and during that time he moved around and ended up laying right under my face. I got up in time for my 11PM meds and he got up with me. Unsteady, but definitely awake.
I think he had another tooth pulled and thought he would not feel like food so I put a cup and a half of puppy biscuits on a plate by his water bowl. He fooled me. I put a cushion beside his rocker and he started going to the kitchen and getting a biscuit and bringing it back to the cushion to eat. This went on and on for over an hour and during that time he drank half the water in his bowl. He got full, went to his papers and has gone to bed in his quarters. He is still walking stiff legged and he looks rough.
I'm not going to get him up for the eye dropper.
Well, I spoke too soon. I will not do the eye dropper meds for his mouth but he is up again and gotten a special good cookie with a pill hidden inside and he is working on the puppy biscuits again. The more he moves around and eats and drinks and eliminates tonight will help him feel better tomorrow. He still rocks back and forth when he stands still.
Maby he will sober up in the morning.
And folks, I'm tired.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Hot, hot July
My, my! Has anybody noticed that the temperature goes up in the summer?
Now that I have all 4 of the bulbs in my living room light fixture burning I can see well enough to read again.
Bought some books about PC Game Programming. While I immediately realized the amount of work involved in making a game, the material I have covered has been straight forward and code for the various and sundry items needed to help build a Library is included along with an .exe.
At the moment I'm still reading up on the old DOS games and my XP doesn't seem to like Running them. I usually end up with a Reboot to get my system back.
I confess I would be more excited about the book's writer if the games were not Bang-bang, shoot and be shot. I live in an area which has one of the highest murder rates in the country and would rather spend my time in a less volatile atmosphere.
Besides I have enough everyday challenges.
My car's battery cable needs to be replaced. I found a dealership which can get the original part for $32 + change. However, it will cost me about $179 to have them get the part and install it. I was going to go for it this month but my neighbor's friend made a thought provoking point when he mentioned that since both of my cables are mis-matched that changing out just one of them might not solve my problem.
So here I am string my heavy extension cord out to the car and hooking the battery charger up for 10 minutes. Presto! Cranks right up. And I scream dirty words at it.
By the time I have let the car run for 20 minutes while I put everything back up I have to spend a long time in my wheelchair with my bottle of heart pills.
POO has been having a problem of his own lately.
Lately when he is not in the room with me I will find him on my bed snuggled against my pillows. At night he has started to sleep with me. That would be ok but his idea of sharing my single bed is that he wants his half in the middle of my half.
I keep explaining that I really need for him to move over enough for me to get both of my legs on the bed.
He no longer gets up to go with me to the bathroom at night, just moves up on the bed to keep my pillows warm. He will come to the kitchen and sniff, if I'm eating something he wants he comes in, if not, he cuddles up with my pillows until I come back to bed.
I do not know how he knows but when I'm sitting at my kitchen table suffering the side effects of my heart pill he comes to my feet and lays down.
Garden has about a dozen beens growing. Don't know if I'll actually harvest any beans.
Food has been oven roast tenderloin. I cooked 2 of them and they were "Spoon tender".
I broke them apart with a spoon and then used my favorite food processor to grind the meat very fine. Put a pound in each of six containers and passed them out to my neighbors with some sauce. One of them actually said, "Thank you.".
My used to be favorite grocery store has reopened, but it is not in the same location and so I'm still looking for some of the things I can't get where I shop now.
That's it for now as POO has decided to lay in my lap and I can't reach across him to the keyboard.
Now that I have all 4 of the bulbs in my living room light fixture burning I can see well enough to read again.
Bought some books about PC Game Programming. While I immediately realized the amount of work involved in making a game, the material I have covered has been straight forward and code for the various and sundry items needed to help build a Library is included along with an .exe.
At the moment I'm still reading up on the old DOS games and my XP doesn't seem to like Running them. I usually end up with a Reboot to get my system back.
I confess I would be more excited about the book's writer if the games were not Bang-bang, shoot and be shot. I live in an area which has one of the highest murder rates in the country and would rather spend my time in a less volatile atmosphere.
Besides I have enough everyday challenges.
My car's battery cable needs to be replaced. I found a dealership which can get the original part for $32 + change. However, it will cost me about $179 to have them get the part and install it. I was going to go for it this month but my neighbor's friend made a thought provoking point when he mentioned that since both of my cables are mis-matched that changing out just one of them might not solve my problem.
So here I am string my heavy extension cord out to the car and hooking the battery charger up for 10 minutes. Presto! Cranks right up. And I scream dirty words at it.
By the time I have let the car run for 20 minutes while I put everything back up I have to spend a long time in my wheelchair with my bottle of heart pills.
POO has been having a problem of his own lately.
Lately when he is not in the room with me I will find him on my bed snuggled against my pillows. At night he has started to sleep with me. That would be ok but his idea of sharing my single bed is that he wants his half in the middle of my half.
I keep explaining that I really need for him to move over enough for me to get both of my legs on the bed.
He no longer gets up to go with me to the bathroom at night, just moves up on the bed to keep my pillows warm. He will come to the kitchen and sniff, if I'm eating something he wants he comes in, if not, he cuddles up with my pillows until I come back to bed.
I do not know how he knows but when I'm sitting at my kitchen table suffering the side effects of my heart pill he comes to my feet and lays down.
Garden has about a dozen beens growing. Don't know if I'll actually harvest any beans.
Food has been oven roast tenderloin. I cooked 2 of them and they were "Spoon tender".
I broke them apart with a spoon and then used my favorite food processor to grind the meat very fine. Put a pound in each of six containers and passed them out to my neighbors with some sauce. One of them actually said, "Thank you.".
My used to be favorite grocery store has reopened, but it is not in the same location and so I'm still looking for some of the things I can't get where I shop now.
That's it for now as POO has decided to lay in my lap and I can't reach across him to the keyboard.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Here we are and the year is speeding along. Garden is dieing. POO is on the mend enough to be playful again. Car starts...most of the time.
My refrigerator problems have been fixed. It will take me the rest of the year to replace the food I lost.
The grocery store where I shop doesn't understand what small sized pasta is and my efforts to help the manager haven't gotten me what I want. In the past I could go to another large store and get all of the shapes and sizes I wanted along with yogurt and specialty items. That store changed management and went bankrupt in short order. I didn't like the new and last manager and that is why I stopped buying from them exclusively.
So I guess I will start making my pasta here at home.
In the mean time POO and I are enjoying summer fruit ( he decided watermelon is tasty ).
I'm very happy for him because he has lost 2 lbs. He is at 14 lbs. but the best I've been able to get his weight down to is 11 lbs. He is 10" at the shoulder but because of his breed defects he is 15" long. In other words he does not come close to conforming to poodle standards. And every time he suffers because of his breed defect problems I get really mad and think mean thoughts about puppy mills and the mindless merchants who support them.
Got myself a blender to go with my food processor and I'm off to find some ways to make pasta.
Oh, oh, here he comes again and he is after me for something.
I'm off to see what he has done this time-
My refrigerator problems have been fixed. It will take me the rest of the year to replace the food I lost.
The grocery store where I shop doesn't understand what small sized pasta is and my efforts to help the manager haven't gotten me what I want. In the past I could go to another large store and get all of the shapes and sizes I wanted along with yogurt and specialty items. That store changed management and went bankrupt in short order. I didn't like the new and last manager and that is why I stopped buying from them exclusively.
So I guess I will start making my pasta here at home.
In the mean time POO and I are enjoying summer fruit ( he decided watermelon is tasty ).
I'm very happy for him because he has lost 2 lbs. He is at 14 lbs. but the best I've been able to get his weight down to is 11 lbs. He is 10" at the shoulder but because of his breed defects he is 15" long. In other words he does not come close to conforming to poodle standards. And every time he suffers because of his breed defect problems I get really mad and think mean thoughts about puppy mills and the mindless merchants who support them.
Got myself a blender to go with my food processor and I'm off to find some ways to make pasta.
Oh, oh, here he comes again and he is after me for something.
I'm off to see what he has done this time-
Saturday, May 9, 2009
We got the rest of POO's meds and his Rx food. I misunderstood his weight. I thought he weighed 15 lbs, he weighs 16 lbs! For a toy poodle which should weigh 10 pounds he needs to loose more than half his body weight. And since he can not run I am going to have to help him walk more.
I have been eating too much fast food for the last two months.
Now that summer is here I can go back to the fresh fruits and vegetables I enjoy.
I have a yogurt maker and a soy bean juice is actually soy bean juice, same as any other vegetable juice, and I think it is silly to call it Milk.
I drink cow milk.
I cook with soy juice as I do not like to drink the flavored varieties...too sweet.
The thing I enjoy most about having the soy bean juicer is I can make tofu at home.
I don't make much at a time because I like it fresh made and still warm. I don't do anything to alter it's flavor. I usually eat the whole batch.
This is a favorite way that I eat rice and beans. It is based on the famous chick pea puree. Any cooked dry bean or pea can be used and it is easy to keep a stock of these canned peas and beans. Tip: Green peas work well too.
Drain the peas or beans and reserve liquid. Use food processor to puree adding reserved liquid if needed. Flavor to taste...I like garlic. Place in microwave safe bowls and refrigerate.
The grain called Wild Rice, Brown Rice and all of the different colored varieties of rice will work better than White Rice for this. When I use Wild Rice, for example, I cook a pound at once because of the longer cooking time and this type of grain holds it's texture when frozen and reheated. For a pound of cooked rice you will want to stir in a Tablespoon Olive oil before freezing. More importantly divide the cooked rice into usable portions.
So when you want your meal. Heat the amount of Rice and the amount of bean puree you will use.
I use 3/4C Rice and place it on my plate, then mash the center down to form a Rice Ring. Then I spoon some of the heated bean puree in the middle.
Add some Seamed Vegetables and have an Apple and melon fruit plate for dessert.
You do not need bread with this meal.
One more thing you can do with the Rice Ring is to put Carrot Salad or Cold-slaw in the middle.
Our beans are up and running...another 4 to 6 weeks and I should be able to harvest a few.
Back to being...,
TOWWAD ! ( I missed the little guy while he was sick. )
I have been eating too much fast food for the last two months.
Now that summer is here I can go back to the fresh fruits and vegetables I enjoy.
I have a yogurt maker and a soy bean juice is actually soy bean juice, same as any other vegetable juice, and I think it is silly to call it Milk.
I drink cow milk.
I cook with soy juice as I do not like to drink the flavored varieties...too sweet.
The thing I enjoy most about having the soy bean juicer is I can make tofu at home.
I don't make much at a time because I like it fresh made and still warm. I don't do anything to alter it's flavor. I usually eat the whole batch.
This is a favorite way that I eat rice and beans. It is based on the famous chick pea puree. Any cooked dry bean or pea can be used and it is easy to keep a stock of these canned peas and beans. Tip: Green peas work well too.
Drain the peas or beans and reserve liquid. Use food processor to puree adding reserved liquid if needed. Flavor to taste...I like garlic. Place in microwave safe bowls and refrigerate.
The grain called Wild Rice, Brown Rice and all of the different colored varieties of rice will work better than White Rice for this. When I use Wild Rice, for example, I cook a pound at once because of the longer cooking time and this type of grain holds it's texture when frozen and reheated. For a pound of cooked rice you will want to stir in a Tablespoon Olive oil before freezing. More importantly divide the cooked rice into usable portions.
So when you want your meal. Heat the amount of Rice and the amount of bean puree you will use.
I use 3/4C Rice and place it on my plate, then mash the center down to form a Rice Ring. Then I spoon some of the heated bean puree in the middle.
Add some Seamed Vegetables and have an Apple and melon fruit plate for dessert.
You do not need bread with this meal.
One more thing you can do with the Rice Ring is to put Carrot Salad or Cold-slaw in the middle.
Our beans are up and running...another 4 to 6 weeks and I should be able to harvest a few.
Back to being...,
TOWWAD ! ( I missed the little guy while he was sick. )
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Happy Birthday POO
He is back home and a lot better. Pom-pom tail is up but not waging. He still can not stand on his hind legs and place his front paws on my knees for me to pick him up but he lets me help him climb up in my ( his now ) rocking chair and, with a little help, he climbs in the car.
First thing he did when he got home was to check out the patio garden. Our green beans have sprouted and started to leaf out.
The strict diet has not been helpful for weight loss. But he is not moving unless he has to. We have to go back and get more meds and different food so I hope that in a few weeks he will be able to run again.
Today is his 9th birthday and he is entitled to some sick leave.
So far he has gotten a dog bone from our bank teller, and I will give him green beans. I hide his arthritis pill in a small cube of processed cheese and give him four of the "cheese pills" each morning and he gets 1 cheese treat each afternoon and evening for reminding me to take my meds. And I have bag of soft kibble which we use for play time...I toss a piece of kibble and he goes and gets it. That's it for exercise.
If our garden works out we should have the green beans, yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers, kale, mustard greens, and sweet peppers. No need for me to grow tomatoes as I can get good locally grown ones within walking distance of our home.
He feels good enough to get excited about the "Go" word so we are off to shop.
First thing he did when he got home was to check out the patio garden. Our green beans have sprouted and started to leaf out.
The strict diet has not been helpful for weight loss. But he is not moving unless he has to. We have to go back and get more meds and different food so I hope that in a few weeks he will be able to run again.
Today is his 9th birthday and he is entitled to some sick leave.
So far he has gotten a dog bone from our bank teller, and I will give him green beans. I hide his arthritis pill in a small cube of processed cheese and give him four of the "cheese pills" each morning and he gets 1 cheese treat each afternoon and evening for reminding me to take my meds. And I have bag of soft kibble which we use for play time...I toss a piece of kibble and he goes and gets it. That's it for exercise.
If our garden works out we should have the green beans, yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers, kale, mustard greens, and sweet peppers. No need for me to grow tomatoes as I can get good locally grown ones within walking distance of our home.
He feels good enough to get excited about the "Go" word so we are off to shop.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
POO's Sick Days
Well, he is back in the hospital. We just can't get him back up to working condition.
After all, he is 9 years old and has a lot of breed defects which cause health problems. And he has Separation Anxiety. He is happy to leave me and go with someone else, but he barks, howls and acts like he is having a nervous breakdown if he is crated or I walk out the door with out him. He is good for 15 feet but if I go beyond that he starts screaming.
When he is not able to work I suffer because I depend on him.
I don't sleep, don't eat, and am generally foggy minded.
My Service Dog keeps me focused and reduces anxiety.
While he has been home we managed to start my patio garden.
Don't know if things will grow well or not.
When I get downhearted POO gets me back up. He has pain but, in-spite of that, he is happy to meet people and other animals.
9 years is a respectable amount of time for a Service Dog to be on the job. I have not been able to find a retirement arrangement for him because of his medical needs.
So we will muddle on as long he can be mended. He will let us know when he is ready to stop trying.
We never formed an emotional bond so that will help me when the time comes.
I've had a PSD since 1980 and this is not the first time I've faced this problem.
It's a beautiful day but I need my POO back home to boss me around.
I've stocked up on green beans ;-)
tow-sans POO
After all, he is 9 years old and has a lot of breed defects which cause health problems. And he has Separation Anxiety. He is happy to leave me and go with someone else, but he barks, howls and acts like he is having a nervous breakdown if he is crated or I walk out the door with out him. He is good for 15 feet but if I go beyond that he starts screaming.
When he is not able to work I suffer because I depend on him.
I don't sleep, don't eat, and am generally foggy minded.
My Service Dog keeps me focused and reduces anxiety.
While he has been home we managed to start my patio garden.
Don't know if things will grow well or not.
When I get downhearted POO gets me back up. He has pain but, in-spite of that, he is happy to meet people and other animals.
9 years is a respectable amount of time for a Service Dog to be on the job. I have not been able to find a retirement arrangement for him because of his medical needs.
So we will muddle on as long he can be mended. He will let us know when he is ready to stop trying.
We never formed an emotional bond so that will help me when the time comes.
I've had a PSD since 1980 and this is not the first time I've faced this problem.
It's a beautiful day but I need my POO back home to boss me around.
I've stocked up on green beans ;-)
tow-sans POO
Saturday, April 18, 2009
April Bright side
Things got brighter. My neighbor got the car started and my ex-husband brought a battery charger for me to use when I needed it.
For a few days the car cranked and ran with no problem.
POO got sick and I took him to his doctor on the 10th and got some pills for his arthritis and he weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs! He should weigh 10-11 lbs.
At first we thought his back was sore because he has a new friend to play with. She is a 9 month old Yorkie and she has reached her full weight of 3 lbs. Smart and cute. POO is smitten. She zips and zooms around ( airborne most of the time ) while the best POO can do is dance around and roll over to beg for her attention. He stands at my back door howling to her and she has slipped out and made it across the street to see him.
After the visit to his doctor I began giving him his arthritis pill every morning but the second day he had a down turn and I rushed him back. This time it is a bladder inflection in addition to his back problem. So he was in the dog hospital from Monday until today. He is home but not a happy camper.
The car wouldn't start yesterday so I used the battery charger and it cranked right up.
We think my problem is with the battery cables.
Now I just need to take POO for a summer haircut and get the battery cables for my car.
Got everything to plant my patio garden. Could use some sunshine.
tow- and my green bean eating, on a diet, POO
For a few days the car cranked and ran with no problem.
POO got sick and I took him to his doctor on the 10th and got some pills for his arthritis and he weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs! He should weigh 10-11 lbs.
At first we thought his back was sore because he has a new friend to play with. She is a 9 month old Yorkie and she has reached her full weight of 3 lbs. Smart and cute. POO is smitten. She zips and zooms around ( airborne most of the time ) while the best POO can do is dance around and roll over to beg for her attention. He stands at my back door howling to her and she has slipped out and made it across the street to see him.
After the visit to his doctor I began giving him his arthritis pill every morning but the second day he had a down turn and I rushed him back. This time it is a bladder inflection in addition to his back problem. So he was in the dog hospital from Monday until today. He is home but not a happy camper.
The car wouldn't start yesterday so I used the battery charger and it cranked right up.
We think my problem is with the battery cables.
Now I just need to take POO for a summer haircut and get the battery cables for my car.
Got everything to plant my patio garden. Could use some sunshine.
tow- and my green bean eating, on a diet, POO
Friday, April 3, 2009
April first started with a haphazard near miss for the-POO when we made an early morning run to the grocery store.
He doesn't understand that not all cars will stop for him to lead me in front of them and so I try to find an empty buggy in the parking lot so that I can settle him on his rug up safe in the kiddy seat. Wouldn't you know that there wasn't one on the outside that morning. I tighten up on his leash and we make our way the few feet to the handicapped entrance and there is a very happy talkative rotund woman standing there with her empty buggy. She is talking left and right and laughing and not moving. After a few minutes she backed up to talk to some people behind her...they saw me and others waiting.
I make it inside the door to where the buggies are stored and slacked the tension on POO's leash so naturally he moved about 18 inches to my left. When I try to pry the buggy loose I sensed movement behind me and yanked POO's leash hard enough to scoot him in front of me and under another buggy to get him out of harm's way.
Sure enough it was the same happy woman who had blocked the handicapped entrance.
I think she must have two speeds...Wide Open and Barrel-Arseing Through.
Now, POO is smart about some things and when I indicate so he knows to, "Puppy Down". While he is down in a safe place I start to try to a buggy loose again.
Foolish me.
I didn't get beat up but I ended up fending off another woman who wanted to pet the poor little dog and got me told off for miss treating him. I tell her I need to get inside and she calls me Ugly...well, by then I'm begging, "Please just let us get inside. We are cold."
The buggy pops loose, I get the rug in place and give POO the, "Up" command. He puts his paws on my knees and I lift him up and settle him on his rug in the kiddy seat.
Then we make inside and do a fast shop for needful things and stop by the Deli for a takeout breakfast of catfish, large grits sausage and gravy and a biscuit.
We get home where POO's harness comes off first then I get the refrigerated items put away and we eat our breakfast.
We pile in the bed.
Two hours later I'm awake with a splitting headache. I start drinking milk to get my blood sugar back up.
That night we pig out on spaghetti and meatballs.
Last year my car's battery died on me and I spent months and more than a comfortable amount amount of money to have it fixed. Three months later it needed fixing again. Cost me again.
I went to a different place and he said the alternator was putting out and told me to drive it every day.
I have.
It died on me again this morning.
But on the bright soon as I can see it, I'll wright about it.
He doesn't understand that not all cars will stop for him to lead me in front of them and so I try to find an empty buggy in the parking lot so that I can settle him on his rug up safe in the kiddy seat. Wouldn't you know that there wasn't one on the outside that morning. I tighten up on his leash and we make our way the few feet to the handicapped entrance and there is a very happy talkative rotund woman standing there with her empty buggy. She is talking left and right and laughing and not moving. After a few minutes she backed up to talk to some people behind her...they saw me and others waiting.
I make it inside the door to where the buggies are stored and slacked the tension on POO's leash so naturally he moved about 18 inches to my left. When I try to pry the buggy loose I sensed movement behind me and yanked POO's leash hard enough to scoot him in front of me and under another buggy to get him out of harm's way.
Sure enough it was the same happy woman who had blocked the handicapped entrance.
I think she must have two speeds...Wide Open and Barrel-Arseing Through.
Now, POO is smart about some things and when I indicate so he knows to, "Puppy Down". While he is down in a safe place I start to try to a buggy loose again.
Foolish me.
I didn't get beat up but I ended up fending off another woman who wanted to pet the poor little dog and got me told off for miss treating him. I tell her I need to get inside and she calls me Ugly...well, by then I'm begging, "Please just let us get inside. We are cold."
The buggy pops loose, I get the rug in place and give POO the, "Up" command. He puts his paws on my knees and I lift him up and settle him on his rug in the kiddy seat.
Then we make inside and do a fast shop for needful things and stop by the Deli for a takeout breakfast of catfish, large grits sausage and gravy and a biscuit.
We get home where POO's harness comes off first then I get the refrigerated items put away and we eat our breakfast.
We pile in the bed.
Two hours later I'm awake with a splitting headache. I start drinking milk to get my blood sugar back up.
That night we pig out on spaghetti and meatballs.
Last year my car's battery died on me and I spent months and more than a comfortable amount amount of money to have it fixed. Three months later it needed fixing again. Cost me again.
I went to a different place and he said the alternator was putting out and told me to drive it every day.
I have.
It died on me again this morning.
But on the bright soon as I can see it, I'll wright about it.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday, March 12 ! Happy Birthday to me.
I was born in do the math.
The POO will be 9 in a few weeks.
I still see the world through the eyes of a kid and POO is as playful as a puppy.
We have a case of Rumble Tummy so POO will have Green Beans and I will go easy with the grub.
I have been enjoying fresh Strawberries. Just buy a small package and keep them at room temperature. Every time you pass by the container just wash and eat out of hand.
They don't last long.
Food grows with the warmth of the Sun and I think it is best to eat many vegetables and Fruits at a Garden warmth.
I think the all around best eating plan is Grains for Morning, Fresh Vegetables and Fruit for Mid-day, and Meat, Seafood, Eggs, or Milk in the evening.
This thing about having something from each of the basic Food groups at every meal leads to disgust for those who need to diet for weight loss.
I know how much of each Food Group I need each day so I eat the the individual Foods one at a time during the day. That means that I eat something 5 or 6 times per day and never feel deprived.
No more plates with a dab of this and an ounce of that and a half cup of another, a half slice of bread, part of a piece of fruit and the same scenario two more times that day.
One so called balanced meal in the evening is not going to help someone who had a Smoothie for Breakfast and a Burger and Fries for Lunch.
Birthday towwad
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
We have rain. Seems like it has rained all winter.
Don't think we will have to worry about running out of water this summer.
Rain means that the weather is not too cold.
When it turns to sleet I stay home.
I'm grateful to be safe, warm and have a good stock of food for the time being.
Am experiencing my annual nervous breakdown about my annual recertification for my dwelling. 5 days notice was not enough time to obtain all of the information I needed and maintenance has slacked off. One of the boards that is part of my patio has warped and is sticking up with two long nails sticking through the bottom. Reminds me of a big flat fanged serpent with it's head raised ready to strike. My living room ceiling light fixture is hinky in that the bulbs keep coming unscrewed. My bathroom exhaust fan is broke and not working.
On the bright side our new manager does try to get things done.
My tile floors need refinishing and that is not going to happen so I save up a few dollars and buy cheap rugs. If I can keep it up eventually I can have all of the floor covered.
I miss my little house with it's fenced in yard and my garden.
I believe my overall health would improve if I could be on my own again.
The POO is on the job and keep me on schedule.
Lucked up and got some fresh Brussels sprouts this year.
We ordered pizza last night. They weren't exactly pizza, but rather 2 of those half circle things with the filling in the middle. We ate one then and will have the other tonight or tomorrow.
I have cooked chicken and turkey in the freezer and all the fixing for Pot Pie.
For now it is going to be sausage and a super-sized bowl of grits.
Don't think we will have to worry about running out of water this summer.
Rain means that the weather is not too cold.
When it turns to sleet I stay home.
I'm grateful to be safe, warm and have a good stock of food for the time being.
Am experiencing my annual nervous breakdown about my annual recertification for my dwelling. 5 days notice was not enough time to obtain all of the information I needed and maintenance has slacked off. One of the boards that is part of my patio has warped and is sticking up with two long nails sticking through the bottom. Reminds me of a big flat fanged serpent with it's head raised ready to strike. My living room ceiling light fixture is hinky in that the bulbs keep coming unscrewed. My bathroom exhaust fan is broke and not working.
On the bright side our new manager does try to get things done.
My tile floors need refinishing and that is not going to happen so I save up a few dollars and buy cheap rugs. If I can keep it up eventually I can have all of the floor covered.
I miss my little house with it's fenced in yard and my garden.
I believe my overall health would improve if I could be on my own again.
The POO is on the job and keep me on schedule.
Lucked up and got some fresh Brussels sprouts this year.
We ordered pizza last night. They weren't exactly pizza, but rather 2 of those half circle things with the filling in the middle. We ate one then and will have the other tonight or tomorrow.
I have cooked chicken and turkey in the freezer and all the fixing for Pot Pie.
For now it is going to be sausage and a super-sized bowl of grits.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Things are moving along as expected this time of the year. We had our annual Christmas Rain.
POO went for another dental check and had another tooth pulled on Monday. I got some cans of his Rx food and he "Just loved it right off the plate!" He has green beans too and will eat one or two pieces of dry food. He is a good sport about me and the eye dropper full of medication twice a day. He goes back for a check up in two weeks.
My weight is back up to 130+. Biggest problem for me is that Suspenders don't come with the Diapers I wear so I have to wear a pare of bicycle shorts to keep them from falling down.
Food is anything that I can get my hands on.
For small amount of oven roast pork for Bar B Q I use "Country Backbone"
The bone is on one side like a chop and these are about 2" thick and the meaty side is about 2" wide. I slow oven bake them and use my Mon's Secret Sauce.
The secret to good Bar B Q is that you Slow Roast the meat first...only bast my Dad used was a Vinegar Paprika mix. Sauce the meat after it is cooked.
POO went for another dental check and had another tooth pulled on Monday. I got some cans of his Rx food and he "Just loved it right off the plate!" He has green beans too and will eat one or two pieces of dry food. He is a good sport about me and the eye dropper full of medication twice a day. He goes back for a check up in two weeks.
My weight is back up to 130+. Biggest problem for me is that Suspenders don't come with the Diapers I wear so I have to wear a pare of bicycle shorts to keep them from falling down.
Food is anything that I can get my hands on.
For small amount of oven roast pork for Bar B Q I use "Country Backbone"
The bone is on one side like a chop and these are about 2" thick and the meaty side is about 2" wide. I slow oven bake them and use my Mon's Secret Sauce.
The secret to good Bar B Q is that you Slow Roast the meat first...only bast my Dad used was a Vinegar Paprika mix. Sauce the meat after it is cooked.
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