April first started with a haphazard near miss for the-POO when we made an early morning run to the grocery store.
He doesn't understand that not all cars will stop for him to lead me in front of them and so I try to find an empty buggy in the parking lot so that I can settle him on his rug up safe in the kiddy seat. Wouldn't you know that there wasn't one on the outside that morning. I tighten up on his leash and we make our way the few feet to the handicapped entrance and there is a very happy talkative rotund woman standing there with her empty buggy. She is talking left and right and laughing and not moving. After a few minutes she backed up to talk to some people behind her...they saw me and others waiting.
I make it inside the door to where the buggies are stored and slacked the tension on POO's leash so naturally he moved about 18 inches to my left. When I try to pry the buggy loose I sensed movement behind me and yanked POO's leash hard enough to scoot him in front of me and under another buggy to get him out of harm's way.
Sure enough it was the same happy woman who had blocked the handicapped entrance.
I think she must have two speeds...Wide Open and Barrel-Arseing Through.
Now, POO is smart about some things and when I indicate so he knows to, "Puppy Down". While he is down in a safe place I start to try to a buggy loose again.
Foolish me.
I didn't get beat up but I ended up fending off another woman who wanted to pet the poor little dog and got me told off for miss treating him. I tell her I need to get inside and she calls me Ugly...well, by then I'm begging, "Please just let us get inside. We are cold."
The buggy pops loose, I get the rug in place and give POO the, "Up" command. He puts his paws on my knees and I lift him up and settle him on his rug in the kiddy seat.
Then we make inside and do a fast shop for needful things and stop by the Deli for a takeout breakfast of catfish, large grits sausage and gravy and a biscuit.
We get home where POO's harness comes off first then I get the refrigerated items put away and we eat our breakfast.
We pile in the bed.
Two hours later I'm awake with a splitting headache. I start drinking milk to get my blood sugar back up.
That night we pig out on spaghetti and meatballs.
Last year my car's battery died on me and I spent months and more than a comfortable amount amount of money to have it fixed. Three months later it needed fixing again. Cost me again.
I went to a different place and he said the alternator was putting out and told me to drive it every day.
I have.
It died on me again this morning.
But on the bright side...as soon as I can see it, I'll wright about it.
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