Monday, April 30, 2007

Spring Fever

I have Spring Fever with headache, earache, runny nose, cough, sore throat...even my eyes hurt. My mouth is sore so I've been subsisting on soft easy to eat foods which have given me a case of Rumble Tummy. My Rumble Tummy includes indigestion, gas, the need to answer fast and furious nature calls, and of course the watery pharts! Having a bad coughing spell with a case of Rumble Tummy...not good!

*Got my broken PC back home last week. Not happy with it just yet. Got to cram a couple GBs memory in to get it going.

*'bout the only thing working right around here is the POO. He keeps leading me to my bed and jumps up on it and invites me to have a nap. A nap is about as long as I can sleep at the moment. He is keeping me on schedule with my meds and eating. I can't think of anything to ease my suffering but to Pray and be patient.

*Simple eats tonight.Egg Salad:
Boil some eggs. I don't care how many. That is your business.
Do whatever it takes to get them cooled enough to remove the shells.
I have a set of nesting bowls with round bottoms. Yes, they are "Nesting" but they have been here for years and haven't laid an egg or hatched anything yet.
The round bottom and high side help keep the eggs in the bowl when I use my handy-dandy pastry cutter---Pastry cutter, that thing with a handle on top and wires, or in my case blades, on the bottom. If you don't have something like that then you can just use a fork to hold the egg and mash it with another fork.
Or just throw the whole batch in the food processor bowl and let 'er rip.

Once the eggs are chopped you need to make some personal decisions.
I only use salt, pepper and just enough mayo to make a paste.
You can add sweet or sour pickles, onions, fresh peppers, celery, any spice or herb you like.
You can add hot sauce or go for the imitation seafood taste with a little ketchup.
I usually leave out the salt when I plan to eat it with crackers.
The POO and I never have leftovers.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Our Spring

So, it has been a busy spring for us.
Actually, things started going down the toilet the first of February when I received notice from our new apartment manager that she intended to make a housekeeping inspection and collect my yearly financial records for my annual re-certification to live in this rent controlled apartment complex......within the next 4 days.

No way I could scrub 7 years of depression dirt and grime away in 4 days time so I left a voice message suggesting that we reschedule to my usual time in April which would give her the information she needed before my May 1st anniversary-move in date.
Well, she called back and we settled on my birthday in mid-March.
I wouldn't have made the effort but she didn't mind POO.

I started collecting cleaning materials and went to work. My dust bunnies were jack rabbit sized and while the floor is mopped just about every day it had not been waxed. I asked everywhere I went about floor wax and we ended up at a huge hardware store where I got two large bottles of something that promised to make the floor shine.
I used to be a do-it-yourselfer and with POO on his rug riding in the kiddy seat of our buggy we wandered around and I lusted for all of the tools and fixtures I saw.

I was sick and thought I felt bad because of moving furniture and the ceiling-walls-floor cleaning.
POO started sticking his tongue out and drinking a lot of water so I took him to his doctor and he had a problem with his teeth.
So I spent the next 3 weeks shoving an eyedropper down his throat to give him antibiotics.
Good thing I decided to practice the procedure with water first because the first time I tried he managed to twist sideways enough so that I "doctored" his right ear instead of his mouth.
Next try he bunched up his tongue and the contents of the eyedropper sprayed back in my face. After half a glass of water and a lot of trial and errors I managed to follow the Vet's instructions and slip the eyedropper between his back teeth and hold his head still long enough to get the job done.
POO will not bite but if he doesn't want to do something he can wiggle and twist and turn enough to discourage me. You would think that an averaged sized towwad could out smart a toy poodle but it is his job to be the boss here at home and he doesn't care for me doing things to him.

After 3 weeks of at home treatment POO goes in for the teeth cleaning procedure while I go to my doctor and show her my mouth problem. I get prescriptions and submit to enough xrays to make me glow in the dark.
I drop off the prescriptions to be delivered the next week and rush to see about POO.

His Veterinarian walks him out and said that things went well but when we try to put POO's harness on him he gives up and lays down. He is still snookered from the anesthesia. Another client in the room is feeling so sorry for POO and POO is feeling no pain and is limp drunk and letting it all hang out.
The harness is a necessary thing because he has a problem with his throat that causes severe breathing difficulties and pressure on his neck is harmful. He was also paralyzed for a short while with a back problem when he was a year and a half old. His throat and back problems along with kidney stones and those big beautiful round eyes are the reason why that in spite of his Mister Personalty trait is POO will never be a proud papa.
Once his harness is on and I snap the leash and say the magic word "Walkies" he gets up and staggers out the door and to my car.
I help him climb up on his seat and he goes to sleep.

When we got home I helped him out of the car, he made a nature call and staggered his way to the door to wait for me. I let him inside and unsnapped his leash and hurried to make a nature call of my own. He didn't wander into the bathroom as usual but all of a sudden I heard whimpering which turned to loud crying and blood curdling howls. I couldn't stop what I was doing and decided that if he could howl he was breathing and that was good. By the time I could go to him he was silent and I almost overlooked him. He had made it as far as his cushion beside my bed and had a totally lost and abandoned look about him. You see, there is one thing POO will not tolerate and that is being alone. He is happy to leave me and go with other people or animals...just don't leave him alone.
[ I tried that recently while I helped a neighbor. POO had a self-righteous toy poodle hissy fit and could be heard a block away. ]
So I picked him up and placed him on one of his pillows in the living room. I was in and out of the room but that wasn't good enough for him so I ended up holding him in my lap for over 4 hours until he was alert. And just as I expected he had a bad choking spell and I had to work on his throat a while to get him through it. After that he was back to being his spunky self again.
He is as playful as a puppy in spite of the fact that he will be 7 the first of May.

There was a snafu with my medicine and by the time it arrived I was wandering around moving furniture and not eating and sleeping only an hour and a half at a time and the other side of my mouth was sore. I knew that I wouldn't be finished with my apartment rearranging and cleaning by the time the new manager arrived so I had the happy inspiration to shove all of the living room furniture to the middle of the room and tell her that I was "Rearranging this room.". Don't know if she believed me but after finding some housekeeping faults she sat POO on her lap and sang "Happy Birthday" to me.
Ta-da! I'm 62!!

Next day I decided to stay in bed. Banging on my door!!! I would have ignored it but it is POO's job to alert when someone knocks on the door and he gets loud about it. I stagger to the door and it is the manager with the pest control people. I have a hissy fit. They are nice, I just wasn't up to it.
Durn-it, I was sick and tired.

With medicine and rest I got better and then call my doctor's office to report my progress as directed. Couldn't make myself understood so I got an email address and just sent the info that way.

Wonderful things, computers and the internet.My favorite computer had been run hard and heavy for 5 years and started acting weird. I thought it was a software problem and checked every application and everything about my OS. Finally I got out of my wheelchair and put the PC tower in it and rolled it out and loaded it in the car. POO and I take the PC to the shop and when the case is opened the problem is easily seen. It has over heated and the capacitors have popped their tops. Motherboard is dead. At first I was just going to save my hard drive and buy another computer and run my hard drive as an secondary but I discovered that my motherboard can be replaced and I particularly like the features I have with this tower. So as I write this I'm waiting for my "Big baby" to be repaired and using this 98SE laptop.

We changed started shopping at a different grocery store and I don't have to walk so much to find the things I need. POO didn't have any problem with the transition. But a lot of the customers haven't seen a service dog this small before and I've been fighting the women off with some stern words. NO PET!!!
I will stop and speak with any child or young person because I can help them grow up in a world where a lot of people need different things to help them get through life.
The people who aggravate me and cause me stress and harm are the adults with camera phones wanting to show me their pets and demand to pet "Your Baaaby".
They don't want to take no for an answer.
The reason they can't pet the dog is it is minding it's business which is to be present for My Needs. I'm pretty sure that these people wouldn't take someone's walking cane out of their hand to examine or pull someone out of their wheelchair to take it for a joy ride.

Now that I can afford meat again...
Meat Loaf:
1/2 or 2 pounds lean ground chuck or better
Any body's brand of dry Onion Soup mix
1 or 2 eggs depending on amount of amount of meat
1 to 1 and 1/4 Cup Vegetable juice...I use the one whose name starts with a V.
1 Cup of fine Saltine cracker crumbs
1 Minced Green sweet pepper
Black pepper to taste

Mix together the Dry Onion Soup, egg(s), and Vegetable juice/Green pepper/Black pepper.Add Saltine cracker crumbs
Cover and refrigerate half hour. If mixture is to dry add more Vegetable juice. If too wet add more cracker crumbs.
Bring out the meat and put it in a large bowl and break it apart as if you were going to scramble it.
Add the Soup/egg/vegetable juice/cracker mixture.
Make sure that everything is evenly distributed.
At this point I let my mixture rest in a tightly covered bowl in the refrigerator over night.
In a pinch you can do with an hour in the frig.
I shape mine in a traditional loaf and make 2 rows of Ketchup along the top.
I don't mind if you shape yours in a circle or triangle or make itty bitty balls...Hey, you have to cook and eat it.
I use a square baking dish, not my loaf pan, because it let's the little bit of fat drain better.
I start it off at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes and then 359 for 35 minutes and take it's temperature.
When I decide it's done I turn the oven off and I remove any fat from the dish and return it to the hot oven for 15 or 20 minutes.
So that is that.
The new grocery doesn't have frozen biscuits so I have to wait until my other PC is home to get me recipe.