Friday, June 13, 2008


Not much happing this month.
We do have some storms but at the moment it is just a sprinkle.

Too-Fat-POO enjoys pouncing on his treats. He is not very smart about finding them when they bounce. I have resorted to tossing a half dozen and some of them land on a chair, some of them bounce off the door and some of them land in POO's hair. Now that is funny. He dances around until it falls out and grabs it.

Can't crank my car. Need a jump start so I can get a new battery and replace one of the battery cables. It also needs new wiper blades, windshield cleaner and a full charge of air condition stuff. Actually it needs to be jacked up and run a better car under it. Sometimes I think I would be better served if could jack up POO and run a Doberman under him.

Changed my Meds and have gained about 6 lbs. I'm back up to 123 lbs. now.

I'm not much interested in hot cooked meals during the summer. I will roast something and make up the rest of my meal with fresh summer vegetables. Don't care much for bread.

Now about summer vegetables.
Be choosy. Don't buy something with split skin.
Find out how to sanitize produce and fruit. I do that first and then remove skin or peel every thing I do not intend to cook.
I also use a lot of pasteurized apple cider vinegar.
Most importentantely...when in doubt...use heat.
I go for a temperature of 170 degrees minimum for vegetables.
180 degrees ++ for moist cooked meats.
Use a thermometer.

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