Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hot, hot July

My, my! Has anybody noticed that the temperature goes up in the summer?
Now that I have all 4 of the bulbs in my living room light fixture burning I can see well enough to read again.
Bought some books about PC Game Programming. While I immediately realized the amount of work involved in making a game, the material I have covered has been straight forward and code for the various and sundry items needed to help build a Library is included along with an .exe.
At the moment I'm still reading up on the old DOS games and my XP doesn't seem to like Running them. I usually end up with a Reboot to get my system back.
I confess I would be more excited about the book's writer if the games were not Bang-bang, shoot and be shot. I live in an area which has one of the highest murder rates in the country and would rather spend my time in a less volatile atmosphere.

Besides I have enough everyday challenges.
My car's battery cable needs to be replaced. I found a dealership which can get the original part for $32 + change. However, it will cost me about $179 to have them get the part and install it. I was going to go for it this month but my neighbor's friend made a thought provoking point when he mentioned that since both of my cables are mis-matched that changing out just one of them might not solve my problem.
So here I am string my heavy extension cord out to the car and hooking the battery charger up for 10 minutes. Presto! Cranks right up. And I scream dirty words at it.
By the time I have let the car run for 20 minutes while I put everything back up I have to spend a long time in my wheelchair with my bottle of heart pills.

POO has been having a problem of his own lately.
Lately when he is not in the room with me I will find him on my bed snuggled against my pillows. At night he has started to sleep with me. That would be ok but his idea of sharing my single bed is that he wants his half in the middle of my half.
I keep explaining that I really need for him to move over enough for me to get both of my legs on the bed.
He no longer gets up to go with me to the bathroom at night, just moves up on the bed to keep my pillows warm. He will come to the kitchen and sniff, if I'm eating something he wants he comes in, if not, he cuddles up with my pillows until I come back to bed.
I do not know how he knows but when I'm sitting at my kitchen table suffering the side effects of my heart pill he comes to my feet and lays down.

Garden has about a dozen beens growing. Don't know if I'll actually harvest any beans.
Food has been oven roast tenderloin. I cooked 2 of them and they were "Spoon tender".
I broke them apart with a spoon and then used my favorite food processor to grind the meat very fine. Put a pound in each of six containers and passed them out to my neighbors with some sauce. One of them actually said, "Thank you.".

My used to be favorite grocery store has reopened, but it is not in the same location and so I'm still looking for some of the things I can't get where I shop now.

That's it for now as POO has decided to lay in my lap and I can't reach across him to the keyboard.


James said...

Game programming is fun. I like to get into the prototyping phase as quickly as possible to verify that my idea of what might be fun is, in fact, actually fun.

To this end, I've messed around with several of the following tools and libraries (in general order of complexity):

Game Maker - fairly click & dragish.

LOVE - LUA; easiest thing outside of Game Maker. includes a particle system and a physics engine.

ZGameEditor - Designed for making "demoscene" type games which generate their resources at runtime.

PyGame - A Python wrapper for SDL.

Pyglet - A Python wrapper for OpenGL. Somewhat more modern than PyGame; I don't have much experience with it.

SDL - Nice 2D C game library.

XNA - Build games for PC & Xbox using C#.

tow__wad said...

Oooh, thanks and POO hugs!
Second thing I did when I got the first 2 books was go crying to Dan because I was going to have to cope with C++ and had made a big mess with MSVB-8.
That was too much to fast.
Went back and found an old--so old the CD couldn't install, so I resorted to Copy and Paste to get the files--toom about DOS games.
It is a 21 day course for 2D games.
But it is DOS, not the XP command line that needs to be used. I got MSVB-6 but this is my only PC at the moment so I don't want to be irritating DOS. Besides I'm getting low on drive space.

Right now I need to start collecting bit maps of Land, Sea, Mountains, Vegetation, everything but animals and people.
I'm off to look at Game Maker.

James said...

This thread on TIGSource has a few pages of nice art. I'm not sure if it's exactly what you need, but there are also several links to more free resources on that forum.

tow__wad said...

I got Yo-yo and after one miss I actually got the first tutorial duplicated. On the third try I was able to add the extras music and textured background.
Only problem I have had is the tutorials are PDF and there is so much white space between the instructions and the image of how each what-cha-call-it box that I have to scroll a lot.
Just as soon as I can, I am going to Upgrade Yo-yo and use it because it will do the 3D things I want.
Registered @ TGI.

Was thrilled to have made my first game even if it was a copy of the tutorial. Think I will make a Cheat sheet of the instructions so I can go faster.
I can get into the needed code much later.
Feels good to have accomplished something.