Thursday, April 30, 2009

POO's Sick Days

Well, he is back in the hospital. We just can't get him back up to working condition.
After all, he is 9 years old and has a lot of breed defects which cause health problems. And he has Separation Anxiety. He is happy to leave me and go with someone else, but he barks, howls and acts like he is having a nervous breakdown if he is crated or I walk out the door with out him. He is good for 15 feet but if I go beyond that he starts screaming.

When he is not able to work I suffer because I depend on him.
I don't sleep, don't eat, and am generally foggy minded.
My Service Dog keeps me focused and reduces anxiety.

While he has been home we managed to start my patio garden.
Don't know if things will grow well or not.

When I get downhearted POO gets me back up. He has pain but, in-spite of that, he is happy to meet people and other animals.

9 years is a respectable amount of time for a Service Dog to be on the job. I have not been able to find a retirement arrangement for him because of his medical needs.
So we will muddle on as long he can be mended. He will let us know when he is ready to stop trying.

We never formed an emotional bond so that will help me when the time comes.
I've had a PSD since 1980 and this is not the first time I've faced this problem.

It's a beautiful day but I need my POO back home to boss me around.
I've stocked up on green beans ;-)
tow-sans POO

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